воскресенье, 25 декабря 2011
"Patapan" (or "Pat-a-pan") is a French Christmas carol in Burgundian dialect, later adapted into English. It was written by Bernard de La Monnoye (1641–1728) and first published in Noël bourguignons in 1720. Its original title is "Guillô, Pran Ton Tamborin".© Wikipedia
French lyricsGuillaume, prends ton tambourin,
Toi, prends ta flûte, Robin;
Au son de ces instruments,
Turelurelu, patapatapan,
Au son de ces instruments,
Je dirai Noël gaîment.
C’était la mode autrefois,
De louer le Roi des rois,
Au son de ces instruments,
Turelurelu, patapatapan,
Au son de ces instruments,
Il nous en faut faire autant.
L’homme et Dieu sont plus d’accord,
Que la flûte et le tambour;
Au son de ces instruments,
Turelurelu, patapatapan,
Au son de ces instruments,
Chantons, dansons, sautons en! English lyricsWillie, bring your little drum;
Robin, bring your flute and come;
And be merry while you play,
Come be merry while you play,
On this joyous Christmas day!
When the men of olden days
To the King of Kings gave praise,
On the fife and drum did play,
On the fife and drum did play,
So their hearts were glad and gay!
God and man today become
More in tune than fife and drum,
So be merry while you play,
So be merry while you play,
Sing and dance this Christmas Day!